Nutrition21 develops key nutritional ingredients for the dietary supplement, functional food & beverage, and sports nutrition markets. In fact, it has powered some of the most famous brands on store shelves today. Take a look below to see our ingredients in action. If you’re interested in talking to us about how our ingredients can take your product formulation to the next level, Contact Us today.
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Nitrosigine®, Velositol®, nooLVL®, Lustriva®, Chromax®, Zinmax®, and their associated logos are registered trademarks of Nutrition21, LLC. All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Nutrition21, LLC's products are protected by a number of patents including, but not limited to: US Patent Nos. 6,809,115; 6,803,456; 7,576,132; 8,062,677; 8,933,022; 9,028,879; 9,119,835; 9,597,404; 9,675,702; 10,183,049; and 10,245,325.